CAFE Grant Application
The Arts Council of Edgerton (ACE) supports groups and individuals seeking to develop a new project or improve an established project in the performing, visual, or literary arts. This Community Arts Fund Enrichment (CAFE) Grant program intends to assist the organization or individual financially and encourage collaboration with other sources for additional resources. Organizations requesting CAFE grants must be considered charitable, civic, educational, recreational, and/or receive the majority of their support through outside funding. Requesting entities must conduct activities in our community or an adjacent community. CAFE grants will not be awarded to sponsor(s) of or to political or partisan organizations, “for-profit” organizations, religious groups, or religion-based organizations. In exchange for the CAFE Grant award, the individual or organization agrees to list the Arts Council of Edgerton with our official logo as a sponsor on all marketing materials, ads, and social media posts. The individual or organization also consents to allow ACE to use names, likenesses, and photographs in news releases, marketing materials, ads, and social media posts.